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GI Medicine Associates Educates with a Custom Inflatable Colon L

GI Medicine Associates' Inflatable Colon at Community EventLet's face it: Nobody wants to talk about colon cancer.

But educating the public is vital in order to keep this disease at bay. How do you increase awareness without scaring people away? In this case, you use a custom inflatable colon.

GI Medicine Associates asked Landmark Creations to develop an inflatable colon complete with lesions and polyps for use at the many community programs and events they participate in. They also intend to use their inflatable at one of their offices each March during Colon Cancer Awareness Month.  

Is it working? Krista Reinert with GI Medicine Associates told us, "We certainly gain a lot of attention at events. Children want to see what the 'big pink tunnel' is, and the adults pick up information regarding the importance of colon cancer screening and other materials."

They could have simply rented an inflatable colon. (Yes, you can really do that!)  Krista explains the reason they decided to buy a custom inflatable instead.  "I chose Landmark Creations to design our colon for us after an extensive Internet search.  Our Medical Director wanted to rent an inflatable colon from Colon Cancer Alliance, but after we discovered the price and the set up involved, we decided it was much more cost effective to design and create our own."  Smart thinking!